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Test Pattern: A Horror Movie Podcast

Aug 30, 2019

BEWARE OF THE BLOB! We watched the original 1958 The Blob starring Steve McQueen and the special effects-laden 80s remake!


The Blob (1958)

"It Creeps and Leaps" by Kim Newman, Criterion

"The Strange History of the Blob Movies" by Ryan Lambie, Den of Geek

Director Commentary


Aug 9, 2019

JXDill (along with his sidekick, Charleton Heston) is the Ghost of Monster Kid Yet to Come as he shows us what the world could end up like in two excellent dystopian future films from the 70s - The Omega Man and Soylent Green!


The Omega Man (1971)

"The Omega Man" (1971) by Sean Axmaker, TCM

"Introduction to the...